The Institute


As a professional body, the CIIF is committed towards promoting
the highest standards of professional behaviour and practices
amongst its members, guided by the CIIF Code of Ethics and Code
of Professional Conduct. As a member, your professional
development will be supported through on-going learning activities
through the CIIF Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
programmes, forums, and other initiatives that are geared towards
ensuring your knowledge and skills are kept relevant and up-to-date.

“Our standards aim to provide a globally accepted reference point
for Islamic Finance Practitioners”

As a professional body, the CIIF is committed towards promoting the highest standards of professional behaviour and practices amongst its members, guided by the CIIF Code of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct. As a member, your professional development will be supported through on-going learning activities through the CIIF Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes, forums, and other initiatives that are geared towards ensuring your knowledge and skills are kept relevant and up-to-date.

“Our standards aim to provide a globally accepted reference point
for Islamic Finance Practitioners”

CIIF Standards


CIIF Standards
for Admission of


CIIF Standards for Accreditation of


CIIF Guidelines on the Standards for Admission of Members


CIIF Guidelines on the Standards for Accreditation Institutions

Professional Excellence

CIIF Code Of Ethics & CIIF Standards Of Professional Conduct

CIIF Professional Philosophy

of Ethics

CIIF Standards of Professional Conduct

CIIF Continuous Professional Development Standards & Guidelines​



Islamic Finance Professionals

Ethically Grounded

Globally Mobile

Technically Proficient

Innovation Powered

Industry Focused