These values underpin our members’ commitment to excellence and human-centred governance premised on the principles of vicegerency (khilafah) in delivering their services and through the fulfilment of their professional duties. The CIIF succeeds the mandate of its predecessor entity, the Association of Chartered Islamic Finance Professionals (ACIFP), which was mentioned in Bank Negara Malaysia’s Financial Sector Blueprint 2011-2020 as the “professional body responsible for global quality standards for Islamic finance professionals”.
The CIIF’s mandate is further strengthened by the recognition given by the Islamic finance industry through the Islamic Finance Profession Charter, founded by industry associations: Association of Islamic Banking Institutions Malaysia (AIBIM), Malaysian Takaful Association (MTA), and Malaysian Investment Banking Association (MIBA).
The signing of the Islamic Finance Profession Charter in 2015 was witnessed by Bank Negara Malaysia and the Securities Commission Malaysia. It is a first-of-its-kind effort by the industry to professionalise its human capital, and from which the CIIF derives its Chartered status. To date, the CIIF is the only industry-Chartered body of its kind dedicated to Islamic finance in the world.
In fulfilling its mandate, the CIIF sets professional standards to qualify professionals that meet the necessary requirements to be Chartered Professionals in Islamic Finance (CPIF). As holders of the CPIF designation, members must adhere to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct as the prime directives to guide their behaviour as models of professionals representing the industry and the Islamic economy.
The CIIF’s Standards and Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) sets the framework for members to continuously improve their skills and knowledge as purveyors of Islamic financial practices. To ensure discipline of its members, the CIIF will be implementing a robust professional disciplinary framework that will allow for the necessary actions to be taken against members that transgress their professional duties to the industry and stakeholders.
Mon – Fri : 8.30am – 5.30pm (Malaysia)
The Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance Professionals (CIIF) was established in 2015 as a professional body dedicated to Islamic Finance. Its main purpose is to elevate standards of professionalism and ethical behaviour amongst the professionals serving the industry and its stakeholders. Central to the CIIF’s cause is its Professional Philosophy, underpinned by three key values: Knowledge. Integrity. Service.